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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I haven't played Pizzicato in a year, what can I do for my callouses?

Question:I play the Cello in my school's Band (we don't have an orchestra) and during marching season I was on drumline, then I didn't play for a semester. I just started playing again and I'm getting a really bad sore on my index finger, but I have to play Pizzicato during our Jazz song. What can I do to keep the pain away but still strengthen the skin on my finger so it won't hurt anymore? I've considered using a bandaid but that'll just make it hurt more once I take it off.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I play the Cello in my school's Band (we don't have an orchestra) and during marching season I was on drumline, then I didn't play for a semester. I just started playing again and I'm getting a really bad sore on my index finger, but I have to play Pizzicato during our Jazz song. What can I do to keep the pain away but still strengthen the skin on my finger so it won't hurt anymore? I've considered using a bandaid but that'll just make it hurt more once I take it off.

Well, first you can learn the bass technique of using both index and third fingers. It allows for more agility and is more in line with jazz. Switch off fingers as well. You'll have blisters and you'll pop them (I've done it a million times). Bandaids are good just for healing and then its right back to good ol' fashioned practice and hard work. I personally don't use them. Occassionally the thumb is used for chord strumming as well which you might wish you try.

~Lisa the cellist

you gotta tough it out just as you did when you started playing the instrument. you know that. putting a bandage on will mess the pitch. i think you have to start practicing again. that way you get callouses again.