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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is there a great sining technique that will help improve with my breathing?

Question:What can I learn to help me breathe better when I sing?
I don't seem to get the timing right. What should I be thinking when singing? Should I be whining a little?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What can I learn to help me breathe better when I sing?
I don't seem to get the timing right. What should I be thinking when singing? Should I be whining a little?

The secret is this: breathe backwards.

What this means is, instead of "taking" a breath, that is, instead of pulling air into you lungs, you use the diaphram muscles to push the air out of the lungs. Then, in relaxing, your lungs fill with air. This backwards breathing gives one much more control, and the relaxed filling of the lungs is much faster, and quieter than drawing the air in.

It might not make sense in writing. I had someone show it to me. It takes a lot of getting used to, but it really works and makes singing and long notes much much easier.

Good luck!