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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why does everyone want to be a guitar hero but 99% can't play s.h.i.t....not

Question:I hear so many wannabees playing the guitar but,only a few work hard at it and are able to even tune their guitar properly.I mean there are so called pros out there who suck and can't play are tune their Axe.Do they not understand basic sounds and that the guitar is inherently out of tune unless played correctly and tuned so? It took me lots of hours,years of practice,bleeding sore fingers,quality instruction,books,frustration,critique,n... and seeking information on the guitar as well as talking to tons of great players before I started to sound good.Do most people think they just pick one up and play it right away?????? It hurts my ears.I have developed perfect pitch and out of tunes sounds like a bag kittens crying.Bad guitar players go away. You do not have what it takes.Unless you bang your head under constant practice and quality instruction its not happening.So what gives?What is in the brain and psyche of these people??Quality ,thought out responses only.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I hear so many wannabees playing the guitar but,only a few work hard at it and are able to even tune their guitar properly.I mean there are so called pros out there who suck and can't play are tune their Axe.Do they not understand basic sounds and that the guitar is inherently out of tune unless played correctly and tuned so? It took me lots of hours,years of practice,bleeding sore fingers,quality instruction,books,frustration,critique,n... and seeking information on the guitar as well as talking to tons of great players before I started to sound good.Do most people think they just pick one up and play it right away?????? It hurts my ears.I have developed perfect pitch and out of tunes sounds like a bag kittens crying.Bad guitar players go away. You do not have what it takes.Unless you bang your head under constant practice and quality instruction its not happening.So what gives?What is in the brain and psyche of these people??Quality ,thought out responses only.

I hear ya bro...Its alright to practice and make mistakes...but I hear what you are saying........people are out there performing who suck..and that sucks.....big time......Try piano people or the flute. It takes strong,tuff fingers to play guitar and make it sound good.

First of all "notta" is not correct. It's "nada."

lmao. because guitar hero is easy! it doesn't even come close to playing the actual guitar. i have asked this question so many times!! im glad for once i can answer someone else with my own idea. i have been playing the guitar for quite some time and i tried guitar hero and frankly, i felt lazy!!!

If you didn't have all these want-a-be's, or sucky players the really good players wouldn't sound so good. You should be thanking them.

Wishful thinking. It may be the closest they ever get. As long as they're happy, who cares. Not everyone can be as good as you, .......or me.
Been playing since the 60s.

Lol, I suck at Guitar Hero but I'm good at guitar. I dunno it's probably cause I don't have it and I don't want it. Why play a video game about a guitar when you can play the real one much louder and better.

I've been a working vocalist for quite some time now and I used to run across quite a lot of the wannabes you mention. These days, I just don't see them anymore unless I go to some of the lesser known jam sessions...I think, at least here in New York, the business has gotten so competitive that the pretenders have had to go back to playing in their basements and entertaining friends at cocktail parties. But suppose you were a fledgling guitarist and someone told you you sucked at the instrument you clearly love...would you give up your passion based on that? I don't think so.

As far as quality instruction, I beg to differ, Wes Montgomery was self trained, so was Jeff Healey, Jimi Hendrix, Les Paul, Robben Ford, Coco Montoya, Stevie Ray Vaughan and countless others who are or were considered the best in the business. I think maybe you just have to have a natural feel for the instrument if you're going to make it without a mentor or formal musical education. Also not everyone can afford quality instruction. I know I could never afford what most vocal instructors are charging these days if I had to start all over again.

But in all my years of working as a vocalist and band leader, I've learned patience and tolerance. Many of these people just love the instrument and have a joy about playing that many trained/pro players often lose in the technicality and business of it all.

I've also realized that I can still learn from anyone I see performing...learn either what to do, what not to do, or how to do something in a new way and that if you open yourself up to it, there is something to be enjoyed in anyone's performance. There have been times when I've approached some of them and said "Hey, I think I know a way you can do this better, can I make a suggestion?" 9 times out of 10 they're grateful for the advice and even more grateful someone cared enough to let them know they were doing something wrong.

I don't know if you were trained in jazz as I was, but it's always been a tradition within the genre to pass our knowledge on when we can. If we just sit back and complain about it, we're part of the problem, not the solution.

Finally, I know it's frustrating sometimes, to hear a less than optimal player, but if we were all phenomenal players, it might be a lot more difficult to find work in our fields.