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Question:I really want to be a broadway director when I get older, and I was wondering what colleges I should look at. I've tried researching online, and I can't find out how to get a start or anything. Can you help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want to be a broadway director when I get older, and I was wondering what colleges I should look at. I've tried researching online, and I can't find out how to get a start or anything. Can you help?

Training and experience are important, but a lot of major Broadway directors were performers first. Rob Marshall, Kathleen Marshall, Tommy Tune, Gerald Gutierrez, Walter Bobbie, and many of the old school were all Broadway performers first. Michael Mayer is a very successful current exception.

You might set your sights on getting a ton of experience, studying to become a Director, and learning where to go from there. There is much work in regional theaters and professional theaters. Only a few folks at the very top of the field work on Broadway. (For instance, you are several times more likely to be able to become a United States Senator than to be a the Director of a Broadway show.)

You would be studying "theatre" in college (rather than specifically directing) for the first four years at least. College Directing programs are usually Masters Degrees. A Directing Masters is certainly not a requirement though. A massive amount of experience and the ability to helm an entire production is.

just look up colleges that offer degrees in theater