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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Avenue q or hairspray??

Question:Which one should I see and why??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which one should I see and why??

Avenue Q - Amazing, hilarious {very innappropriate!} show. The songs are very good, and the puppets make it even better. One of my favourite shows! Hairspray is good too, but Avenue Q is almost perfect...

It all depends on the ages of who's seeing it, though, and your type of humor.

Depends on age. Hairspray is appropriate for almost anyone (and it is a "big" musical). Avenue Q has a lot of adult language and adult humor (and is a very small musical).

And by the way, Hairspray is not a Juke Box musical. That term was made up for musicals that use old pop music. Like All Shook Up, Jersey Boys, Smokey Joe's Cafe, or Mamma Mia. Hairspray's score is not made up of old music. It was written for the show and had never been heard before.

AVENUE Q omg its hilarious!