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Question:I'm performing the song

Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray

I have it down for the most part, but I just decided on it yesterday.

Any pointers for the performance, and day of (tomorrow) that I can use to make it look as best as possible?!??!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm performing the song

Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray

I have it down for the most part, but I just decided on it yesterday.

Any pointers for the performance, and day of (tomorrow) that I can use to make it look as best as possible?!??!

First, don't overthink it. In the middle of a performance, sometimes the reality dawns on us and we get nervous. Just remember to smile! If you forget words, just start singing the melody with "Ooh's"...
I am a professional musician (18+ years on clarinet and bari sax)... I have found that even if you know the piece forwards and backwards, can play it from memory, and have never missed a note (in practice or otherwise), it doesn't go well if you don't have the attitude and self confidence. In college, we used to joke that it was 10% preperation, 90% faking it.

Just go for it and have fun!

Break a leg!

Don't get shakey if you're performing afront of a big crowd. Good luck and may the force be with you.

just enjoy the music while you're performing it and don't stop or worry if you make a mistake.

keep playing and it will be alright!

and have fun!!

Do speech rhythms. Say the words in the rhythm with out any pitches. Also, when you warm-up don't just sing your selection as a warm-up. It is not a good enough warm-up. Buzz your lips up and down a scale three times then raise the pitch a half step. Make sure you are breathing with your lower stomach not your shoulder. Relax too. Singing will tense can damage your instrument.