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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some websites i can go to that will teach me how to sing better?

Question:like vocal lessons online? i cant afford vocal lessons and i was wondering if there was a website out there that can teach me the same stuff for free. any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like vocal lessons online? i cant afford vocal lessons and i was wondering if there was a website out there that can teach me the same stuff for free. any suggestions?

The problem with learning to sing on your own is that you would need to be able to listen to yourself (and know what to listen for).

I would recommend that you record yourself with the best recording medium you can afford and then critically listen to yourself ... again if you don't know what you should be listening for, then you're already at a disadvantage.

ask the teacher in youre school band if they could teach you after school or try different churches in the area.

learning to sing would be really difficult to explain on a website. but you can google it.

I dont think something that you do on the computer is going to help you much, the best thing for you to do is take lessons. Thats your best option.