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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My 8 year old daughter wants to audition for her school's production of Pete

Question:The director of the play will tell her what to do in the audition. She'll probably be asked to get up on stage and read one or more parts from the play. It helps if she knows how to read interpretively, and if she can move around a little bit like an actor while on stage it's even more impressive.

For a production of grade schoolers, as a director, my main concerns would be whether the actor could read the lines clearly and with meaning, and whether the actor would listen up and follow direction.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The director of the play will tell her what to do in the audition. She'll probably be asked to get up on stage and read one or more parts from the play. It helps if she knows how to read interpretively, and if she can move around a little bit like an actor while on stage it's even more impressive.

For a production of grade schoolers, as a director, my main concerns would be whether the actor could read the lines clearly and with meaning, and whether the actor would listen up and follow direction.

It seems like it would be a good idea to watch all of the various movies that have been produced in order to get a feel for the characters and the different ways that they have been represented over the years. This would probably also help in finding a specific role/character that she would most like to play.

If the play is being done as a musical, you may want to have her prepare an audition song. She would need to choose a song that is appropriate for her age and vocal range. You can get an idea of how to do this at
The most important thing to remember is to pick a song she is comfortable singing. This will come through to the people she is auditioning for...good luck to her!

If she could learn to fly, that would out her at the head of the list.