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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Anyone got any suggestions for a comedic topic for a one act play?

Question:Dressing small dog in costumes.
A day in the photographer's studio.
Journey of a piece of chewing gum.
Elderly man's day at a senior's home. (ladies' man)
Shopping for clothes in a department store with reluctant/embarrased child or spouse.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Dressing small dog in costumes.
A day in the photographer's studio.
Journey of a piece of chewing gum.
Elderly man's day at a senior's home. (ladies' man)
Shopping for clothes in a department store with reluctant/embarrased child or spouse.


racism. between mexicans and blacks.

Gender differences are always a favorite!

"Really gotta pee."


definantly the campaign for president.

I've seen "Clue" be done before and it was by far one of the funniest one act's I've ever seen. They had all the characters and included popular songs, but with lyrics that related to the game. They had to solve a mystery like the game. I would recommend that one.

everyone has AIDS, aids aids aids!

Best thing I can suggest is to keep it simple. Some of the best comedy is the simplest. Take a look at some Monty Python sketches on youtube. You'll see they aren't bogged down by complex characters and story, but focus largely on a single element.

argument between gender.

Gender stereotypes would be amusing.

Keep it to an everyday type event that everyone can relate to and is relative to your audience. If you're in school maybe something about homework or lunch or gym class or lockers.

Good luck!

Argument with traffic police

Arguments for and against the mass extermination of OAPs.

Mistaken identity can be done in one act

2 robbers...not very good ones...The curtain opens and one has his hand caught in the garbage disposal. The other one is frantic because a message on the phone somehow alerts them of the owners pending arrival.

sex with an ugly woman or male or well you get it

Boy meets girl while on vacation.

Boy and girl like each other but both are ashamed of family for no good reason so they lie about their families.

Both meet at a massive family reunion the next day.

They discover they are related by marriage and then try to palm off beautiful and successful looking people as their parents and siblings instead of their real parents and siblings.