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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Music note scale - EASY 10 pnts????????

Question:you know EGBDF
and FACE

but i dno whats above and below that line

can someone please find my a picture that shows me that?

I dno what its called so i cant find it.

10 pnts easy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you know EGBDF
and FACE

but i dno whats above and below that line

can someone please find my a picture that shows me that?

I dno what its called so i cant find it.

10 pnts easy

The lines above and below the staff are called ledger lines, and they just repeat the abcdefgabcdefg pattern that you find on the staff.

do re mi fa sol a sido

wouldn't it just repeat?

that ought to help you.

lflf1212lf has it almost right. The abcdefg patter repeats, but if you were to designate letters for the ledger lines above and below the staff they would be the opposite of egdbf [Every Good Boy Deserves Favor], face covers the lines below and above repeating the 1st and last lines.

it repeats. But don't forget that there are sharps and flats.

easy ways to remember these notes:

"Elvis's Guitar Broke Down Friday"
"FACE" (as in... your face. Not such a difficult concept, eh?)