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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whats the most popular broadway musical?

Question:i need to know what the most popular broadway musical is!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need to know what the most popular broadway musical is!!

if the answer to that will be based on the longest run, then it will have to be "phantom of the opera" which opened on january 26, 1988 at the majestic theater and is still running.

the most popular Broadway musical is RENT it is so awesome

LION KING by far

cats, or phantom of the opera, or hairspray, or lion king. but in my book it should be chicago or from what i hear WICKED, it looks good

Right now? Probably Wicked, Rent and Lion King. Historically you have Oklahoma, Show Boat, A Chorus Line, Fantastic, Phantom...

My Fair Lady

Wicked without a doubt its that show that everyone knows... not my favorite young frankenstein is my favorite.... but wicked is definitely the current most popular... but there are always the ones like phantom of the opera which is just a classic..