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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Difference between electric and regular drums?

Question:besides the obvious, what are all the differences? are electric drums worth the money?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: besides the obvious, what are all the differences? are electric drums worth the money?

The main difference between the 2 is the "feel" when you play them. The Electronic ones don't "feel" as natural as the acoustic ones do. It's mostly because they are made with a different material than the acoustic drums are . I've played both on occasion, but I really prefer the acoustic ones because you get more a natural "feel" & "bounce back" when you hit the drum heads. Also, the kick pedals on Electronic drum kits still dont feel natural to me either. I can't do certain drum tricks on a Electronic kit that I can do on a acoustic kit. I think its the way they designed the Electronic Kick Pedals on those things.

The only cool thing about Electronic drums is all the different unique sounds you can get from them. But, I still wouldnt go buy one. I would go for an acoustic drum kit anyday

Electric drums are a great idea it just depends what you would be using your drum kit for more. I have a normal drumkit and it is great for jamming and having a smash. But I would really like to invest into a electric drum kit because the neighbours dont appreciate the noise after a while and it is too loud for me sometimes. You can either hear the electric drum kit through headphones or thru an amp or pa system. Not to mention the different kits that are programed into the machine, ranging from an expensive pearl kit to a techno sound. I would definately reccomend it but it does depend what you use it for.

that depends. i have an electrical drum, and it does have features which a regular drumset does not have. well.. you have to buy it seperately. hahaha. hmMm. but i suggest that you go for the regular set... well. thats up to you, really.. hahaha. yeah, its worth it.

A regular drum kit will sound much better than the electric. They have come a long way, but you can always tell when one is being used. The one benefit is the volume. With the electric, you can control the volume or use headphones, unlike a regular.