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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do u write drum parts for songs?

Question:Like how do u know sets of drumbeats will sound good in a song? Help Me!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like how do u know sets of drumbeats will sound good in a song? Help Me!!!!

If you're a drummer, you can notate exactly what drumbeats the drummer should play (do some searches online for "drum music notation" to see what the rules are for writing the various drum parts on a music staff.)

If you are not a drummer, then don't worry about it. Simply write something like "heavy rock feel" (or whatever the music feel you want) and then specify the number of measures (so the drummer can follow the music along with the rest of the band.) A good drummer will see those instructions, listen to everyone else, and play what sounds best.

Note: this means if you are going with option 2, you have to get a good drummer!