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What do you guys think of my voice?

I dont know the tune that well, ive only heard the song 3 times, during performances.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What do you guys think of my voice?

I dont know the tune that well, ive only heard the song 3 times, during performances.

You actually have a VERY nice quality to your voice. Very pretty and some real strength in it. You do go out of tune here and there, which may be not knowing the song, but may also be the need to just practice and study.

I think you would be very well served to get a good voice teacher. You have good potential.

Good luck!

that awesome but you sound you got a cold but other wise its all right

I actually really liked that!! The one little thing is that you *sound* like more of a mezzo-soprano. :)
Keep up the good work girl!!

Just want to chime in and agree that you have a lovely voice! Working with a vocal coach/teacher will provide you with a clearer perception of the technical aspects of singing. Hope you have an opportunity to do that because there is obvious potential there. Thank you for sharing your gift!