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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good size guitar for someone that is about 5' 3''?

Question:What is a good size guitar for someone that is about 5' 3'' who has never played one before?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a good size guitar for someone that is about 5' 3'' who has never played one before?

Just buy a standard full size guitar. People with small hands manage a full size guitar just fine.

The smaller 3/4 and 1/2 sizes are for children

The size of your fingers is the main concern. Assuming you have slightly small fingers, a 3/4 scale guitar is a good idea.

See the link below for an example from Musician's Friend.

I'd recommend going to your local Guitar Center or music store and asking them to show you some "mini" and 3/4 scale guitars, as well as full sized, and see how easy it is to:
Reach index and little fingers to opposite strings at the same fret,
Push index finger onto the 1st fret, middle finger on the next without lifting the index, and so on out to the pinky. If the frets are too far apart to reach even with some effort, it may be too big. After playing for a while you'll get better at stretching your fingers out, so if it's close you're probably OK.

If you're a female, I would say get a guitar around 6'4'. If you're a male, you may be out of luck. Just kidding. Longer fingers are definitely an asset when playing a guitar, but it doesn't mean than someone with shorter fingers can't play. It takes skill, practice, and dedication. If this is really a concern, then I would suggest an electric guitar. The body is smaller, the neck is thinner, and the strings are closer to the frets. Go to the store, and try them all, until you feel comfortable with one.

all those fancy numbers arent really a big deal.

just buy a cheap electric guitar. go to a store and pick the one that feels best in your hands.

its better for it to feel like it fits. than for someone to tell you what should fit and then have it feel awkward.