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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do you call someone who plays the tuba?

Question:I know a person who plays piano = pianist, violin=violinist, fute= floutist. WHAT is TUBA?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know a person who plays piano = pianist, violin=violinist, fute= floutist. WHAT is TUBA?

Here's another for tubist.

a tubist?

I think it's a tubist, but I could be wrong :)

Tubist (pronounced

They would be called a tubist.
(And a flute player is known as a flutist. ...We play the flute, not the flaut.)

a tubist.
or loser. (lol, just kidding on that one!)

and yes a flute player is a floutist, musicgal29. I'm a french horn player and I know that...

Yes, you are correct. It is a FLOUTIST- that other girl was wrong. Anyway, I it could be a tubist, or a tubater (like trumpeter). I'm not sure.