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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In band class, is F scale the same as F major?

Question:i forgot i need to play f scale tomorrow, and int he back of my book it has f major scale, are they the same,,one time i had to play G and i played g harmonic and everyone clapped, but i dont wanna play the wrong scale again!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i forgot i need to play f scale tomorrow, and int he back of my book it has f major scale, are they the same,,one time i had to play G and i played g harmonic and everyone clapped, but i dont wanna play the wrong scale again!

F scale is the same as F major: F G A Bb (b flat) C D E F.

F major is F scale

They're the same.

If I don't see the word "minor," I assume it means "major" if I see the key alone.

Yeah, it's the same.

Yes it is.