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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hey Kids! Let's All Have A little Sing-A-long?

Question:Turn to page 13 in your John Lennon Song Book:

This is just a exercise in group participation

I'll say the first line okay, then everyone else takes turns and says the next line......ready?

Imagine there is no heaven it isn't hard to do..........

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Turn to page 13 in your John Lennon Song Book:

This is just a exercise in group participation

I'll say the first line okay, then everyone else takes turns and says the next line......ready?

Imagine there is no heaven it isn't hard to do..........

It actually starts:

Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try

My turn:

No hell below us........
Above us only sky........ thats just really sad.


no hell below us... above us only sky :) i LOVEEE it!

Nothing to kill or die for

No hell below us above us is only blue

...then life here has no purpose and I suddenly feel depressed, don't you?

Imagine all the people...