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Question:What are the notes to the main tune of House of the rising sun by the animals

I have all the chords but i just want to know the main notes that replace the vocals

heres someone playing it on youtube but i want to know the notes without the chords he plays;

Please i want the notes that replace the words

Thankyou so much

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the notes to the main tune of House of the rising sun by the animals

I have all the chords but i just want to know the main notes that replace the vocals

heres someone playing it on youtube but i want to know the notes without the chords he plays;

Please i want the notes that replace the words

Thankyou so much

House of the Rising Sun is in the public domain, even though it was made popular all over again by an English Rock Group, The Animals. My guitar ensembles play it in both a minor and E minor and it makes an excellent P - I - M - A exercise. You can find a simple page below or give me a shout and I will be glad to send you the P - I - M - A ensemble arrangement. Leave a safe e-mail address where I can send the file to, or you can join and download it for free. My home page is listed right on the main web page. Hope this helps.

The notes that replace the words, that's called the melody. Here's a link to it in tab, it that's any help.

Buy the sheet music for the song. Originally, it was composed in Dm, but many guitarists play it in Am.

The main notes used in "The House of the Rising Sun" are A, D, E, F, G, C, and Bb. If you have all the chords used in the song then you can figure what notes are played in each chord.

Try the pentatonic A minor key and you will be able to find the notes quickly enough.