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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Suggestions for two-minute monologue?

Question:I'm a teenage girl and I need a two-minute monologue from a published play for a theatre audition.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a teenage girl and I need a two-minute monologue from a published play for a theatre audition.

There are plenty of monologues for your age group in "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. Serious stuff, but easier than doing comedy. (Don't take my word for it, just ask any comic which is harder to do)

your monologue has to be someting that touches you in a way

it has to be your choice and something you can connect with
go online and search

As above. What about something from Shakespeare? Shows deep understanding of what the play is about and the character, too.

You can not go wrong with monty pythons. There funny and theres a lot of them.

take them by surprise, since you only have 2 minutes then give them not a whole story just a snippet of it, not the beginning or the ending something right in the middle of the story (monologue) it is said in the performing arts that one should always leave them wanting more, so you don't want to give them too much. make up a story or something funny or unusually that happened to you.-blurey

go to they have a monologue search engine