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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I hate the way my voice sounds- Im 17 but I sound like a little girl!?

Question:should I consider a vocal coach?? maybe learn to sing??

what r other ways I can improve my voice and make it sound more mature?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: should I consider a vocal coach?? maybe learn to sing??

what r other ways I can improve my voice and make it sound more mature?

I used to have quite a thin, young sounding voice until I had broadway training - Concentrate on feeling the sound further forward in your mouth (rather than at the back of the throat) and opening up your throat and mouth to create a louder resonating chamber (the amount your mouth opens doesn't change, but trying gently pushing down your tongue and jaw to increase the space). Don't worry if you think you sound a bit manly to begin with, its just extra resonance inside your nasal cavities and sounds completely different to the people that are listening! Also important is really supporting your lower abdomen and keeping good posture. Hope this helps, its difficult to explain but if you get the hang of it you'll definitely feel and hear the difference!


My voice is really deep yet I look quite young for my age, so the 2 dont go like with you.

But oh well, we're stuck with it. I'm sure your voice will get deeper as you get older.

im 14 and my voice sounds like a 5 yearold on crack... went to a voice coach... he made it worse.. all I can say is love your voice for what it is... you really cant do much else.

steroid might help but your nuts will shrink

Be with the voice you have now, and surrender judgement. The voice you have now is the voice your supposed to have. Do you hate your hair because it isn't grey yet? No, that would be foolish wouldn't it. So to is being disappointed with the voice you have now. The tension your judgement puts on your voice is keeping you from relaxing and being the best singer you can be. Singing is about self confidence, and relaxation. You say you sound like a little girl. Some of the most beautiful voices are what's called countertenors. Men who sound like women when they sing. Relax, explore and learn the voice you have now. It's the only one on the planet like it. It's totally unique and special. Sing! Sing a lot. That is how to improve your voice. Maturity is the product of experience. Experience is the product of doing. SING!

Maybe your voice hasn't matured yet....give it a little more time, some mature earlier then others. Why not consider a vocal coach, he/she can tell you if they think your voice is ready for training. A teacher can tell you how to improve your voice by doing breathing exercises and scales....give it a try, what have you got to lose ????

Stop trying to make your voice sound "mature" and start considering the voice you have "mature". Then you will have the voice you strive for.

No! Keep that irritating shrill scratchiness! All the female Newscasters have it! Your on the way to Anchordom.

maybe you are tone deff then! try some other kind of music if sining is not your thing!

a vocal teacher can help. i've sang for as long as i can remember and i know i used to sound horrible. but it was something i loved. i did take voice lessons in college and the teacher worked wonders. she showed me how to breath and support with the diaphragm. and also to sing with a raised palette instead of through my nose. it gives it a much purer and beautiful sound. i've seen her work through many students. Don't give up hope. practice often and maybe find trusted and experienced voice teacher.