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Question:I play flute, piccolo, piano, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and some guitar. I'm bored which instrument should i learn next.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I play flute, piccolo, piano, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and some guitar. I'm bored which instrument should i learn next.?

vibrating moan


It looks like you don't have anything percussive in this batch how about the drums?

French Horn.
It's an absolutely beautiful instrument and it's a challenge to learn how to play.

ohhh why not the violin since you already know how to play the guitar :) You just need to practice using a bow; nice job with learning all of those instruments

Don't pick up something new until you're amazing at what you've already got. Apparantly you've already got a lot on your plate, so I kind of doubt that you play any of them with virtuosity(which is not to say that you don't play them well. I don't know whether you do or not. But, I do know that the more instruments you pick up, the less time you have to devote to each, and your ability on each will either suffer, or not be completely fulfilled).

If I were you, I would practice on the instruments you already play and devote your time to getting better on what you already have.

If you're that bored with all of them, maybe music isn't your number one passion. I can't say that for sure because I don't know you, but everyone I've talked to that has a lot of passion for music has never been bored with any of their instruments; we all(myself included) love nothing more than playing the instruments we are already good at, improving our skills, learning new things, and having fun with what we are doing.

clarinet its quite easy

Time to hit the classical strings. Violin, viola, bass, harp, ect.

how bout the cello

when you learn that, you can play electric bass guitar :]

Violin has a lot of material and is a very melodic instrument. Since you don't play any orchestral strings, this might be a nice change and the amount of material might keep you from being bored.

I would like to know why you are learning all of these and what your skill level is. Getting more involved in something you already know could be best.

how about something from a foreign land. like japanese flutes, drums, and varied stringed instruments


How do you pay for all these instruments

What faeriefiddler said.

Unless you're some kind of prodigy genius, you're probably not actually all that good at any of the instruments you play now, so why take on yet another instrument?

I don't know about you, but I would much rather be really, really good on one or two instruments than to be boringly mediocre on 7 or 8 of them. If you're bored with the music you're currently playing on the instruments you already have, its because you've only just skimmed the surface of what's possible on those instruments. If you were to devote yourself to getting really, REALLY good on just one or two of them, you'd find yourself capable of playing more complicated and interesting music and you wouldn't be bored.

Get good at the instruments you already have before you start adding any more or different ones to the list.