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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to become a better guitar player?

Question:how do i advance as a guitar player? on a scale from one to five in terms of skill , id say i was a two (i do grade harshly). i bought a new guitar a few weeks ago, and for some time i have been using a program called guitar pro 5.0 to learn. i have also been using the internet site to learn a few things as well...
but latly, it seems i have not progressed well. i keep playing the same things over and over (halo theme song, bullet for my valentine solo, things of that nature). i know a few chords, but i want to be able to learn skills that will help me to ultimatly play the song "canon rock" 95% accurately and the song "i'm alright" ...
i really do not have the money for any type of teacher, and it seems every one within a good radius sucks... can i get some help?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how do i advance as a guitar player? on a scale from one to five in terms of skill , id say i was a two (i do grade harshly). i bought a new guitar a few weeks ago, and for some time i have been using a program called guitar pro 5.0 to learn. i have also been using the internet site to learn a few things as well...
but latly, it seems i have not progressed well. i keep playing the same things over and over (halo theme song, bullet for my valentine solo, things of that nature). i know a few chords, but i want to be able to learn skills that will help me to ultimatly play the song "canon rock" 95% accurately and the song "i'm alright" ...
i really do not have the money for any type of teacher, and it seems every one within a good radius sucks... can i get some help?

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You just have to keep learning new songs. The more you learn the more familiar you will be with it. You will subconsciously associate different sounds with hand positions, and you will gain skill. If you just play the same old stuff over and over then that's all you will know.

get off the computer and practice your guitar.

practise and another things practise

Why the heck don't you just take lesson?????????? :D

I would say lessons. I know you are short on cash, but if you're serious, you'll find a way. Perhaps a loan from ma and pa? Maybe Grams? Most musicians can only get so good without professional help.

Well the halo 3 theme song is not the way to go even tho i might give it a shot later but give it somemore practise and it'll be all good.

Practice, obviously, and soak your fingertips in rubbing alchol every night to build callus. That will make your fingers harder, and the notes clearer. That's what Eric Clapton did and he's one of the best guitarists ever.

ok 1, personally i think a computer nor teacher can do anybody any good. i also grade harshly and think i suck but everyone around me says that im amazing. i would get a... i think the brand is hal lenord, or it sounds like that. its really really good, u start out with fingerings and pickings, but after the second level its pointless. i know this from experience, but then you NEED to learn the chords, some of the dtuff in the books are pointless but i love them. But DONT start bar chords untill you can barely feel your fingertips or you'll probably give up. Bar chords are obnoxious and difficult, but most artists use them constantly. If you have any more questions email me, and I'm willing to help. Oh, and if you dont already, go buy a million picks, a guitar tuner, and a capo. If you dont know what that is, go to a Guitar Center, or something, and ask them to help you find one and explain it to you. Then, I mostly get stuff off the internet and learn weird chords that I need as I go.