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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is there an invention out there that can tell what songs you can sing?

Question:For example, I know I'm a tenor. Could someone invent or tell me about a device that automatically list all the songs that fit my limits?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For example, I know I'm a tenor. Could someone invent or tell me about a device that automatically list all the songs that fit my limits?

Another option that is OK sometimes, is to have music transposed into your range.

Yes, it's called the PFM (pure freaking magic) ...just kidding. In all seriousness though, a voice coach could help with this in a few ways. They have prior knowledge of music that probably exceeds your own so they could suggest something, plus they can help you develop your range so more songs will be doable. Or if you're not shelling out the money for lessons, if you're in school you could talk to someone in your music department.