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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone know where I can get the script to The Music Man?

Question:I've tried Simply Scripts and all of those, googled it etc. but I still can't find it. I'm trying out for Marion in 3 days!

Help would be MUCH appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've tried Simply Scripts and all of those, googled it etc. but I still can't find it. I'm trying out for Marion in 3 days!

Help would be MUCH appreciated!

You don't want to buy the script. Things like that you rent for thousands of dollars- who ever is putting on the production will rent it for you. What you want is to find a Music Man song book, which you should be able to find on Amazon or most places.

you'd need to buy it

You can't get it online, you have to buy it from the publisher.

The place you're auditioning should provide you with sides.