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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is the flute hard to play?

Question:i am grade 3 on piano doing my grade 4 and i have played the clarinet only until grade 1 then i quit. I want to play flute but it looks like a lots of hard work and it looks quite hard. So how hard is it compared to piano?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am grade 3 on piano doing my grade 4 and i have played the clarinet only until grade 1 then i quit. I want to play flute but it looks like a lots of hard work and it looks quite hard. So how hard is it compared to piano?

I don't think it is harder than learning the piano. I have been playing flute a loooonnnggg time and i have recently tried to play piano but i couldn't get my hands to do two different things and it's hard since i have really small fingers. haha My hands just don't stretch. Forming and producing any sound on the flute is difficult because you need to form your mouth a certain way to get a good sound. You almost need to train the muscles in your cheeks before you can get a good sound. The fingering isn't hard neither. It's easier, I think than learning the piano because your hands aren't moving in two different directions like on the piano. Each finger has basically has one certain key it stays on and thats it. since you know the higher notes on the piano then you know what the notes look like on flute music you just need to know where to place your fingers. You also know the rythmns and all that stuff so it's just a matter of placing your fingers and molding your mouth. Long story shot I knew the rythmns and notes for the flute but I needed to learn some finger placements and how to get a good sound and I learned to play really well within a year. So I don't think it will take you long and it really isn't that hard. Just a matter of practice like everything else.

I think yes... because I didn't know how to

i think piano is easier to play then the flute.

i tried to play the flute talk about frustraiting!!!! i couldnt get my lips right so it didnt sound very good but i know flutes for me anyway are hard to play

I have played piano for only about a year, so I am not very good yet. On the other hand, I've played flute for 4 years now and I think I'm on about grade 4, I'm not sure...but anyway.
Flute was a little difficult to play in the beginning, but I practiced my hardest for about a week then playing was easier; if you practice it shouldn't take long to be able to get the hang of it.
And about comparing it to piano, that's really hard to say. I think they're about the same; it just all depends on experience you have with that instrument!

Nope my sister plays it its pretty basic and you get to have fun if u mess up. You will mess up alot at the beginning btw my sis was in 3rd grade when she started

I am a professional flutist and teacher. I also stated on piano, and added the flute when I was 13. You already know how to read music, count, listen, etc. The hardest part will be forming the embouchure - and that is easier than clarinet! It will take practice, of course. The key system is not difficult - you must learn how to balance the flute so that you hands and fingers are free to work efficiently. I predict that you will do well - just take your time and be patient with yourself. The FASTEST way to get good habits developed is to get a GOOD TEACHER!!