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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I learn to play bass?

Question:I have had a bass guitar for a few years now. I have never picked it up, and have no musical background what so ever. Where is a good place to start, if I want to teach myself?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have had a bass guitar for a few years now. I have never picked it up, and have no musical background what so ever. Where is a good place to start, if I want to teach myself?

Don't go with a "for Dummies" book. Start with a DVD from this site.

Well i would buy a book, for example Bass Guitar for Dummies... of course i'm not saying your dummy but their books are usualy great!
See it amazon. It as a very good rating

start playing it...Get a good book and listen to other music and try to follow it.

Depending on how much personal drive you have, you may need a teacher! It took me quite some time to be able to discipline myself into practising.

I would recommend finding a small local shop that gives lessons. Don't go to the big commercial chains, they don't usually have the same personal touch. Normally it's about 10 bucks a lesson once a week.

I started with playing popular songs using tabs.

they have TONS at

good luck!