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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I find a printable Bb clarinet fingering chart?

Question:I am auditioning for a new Pitates of the Caribbean Medley in my school, and there are insanely high notes. I can play any note practically, as long as I have the fingering! But, my multiple books don't go that high! :(

Could you please help me find a fingering chart that is casy to understand, and printable so I can take it with me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am auditioning for a new Pitates of the Caribbean Medley in my school, and there are insanely high notes. I can play any note practically, as long as I have the fingering! But, my multiple books don't go that high! :(

Could you please help me find a fingering chart that is casy to understand, and printable so I can take it with me?

Try this link:

Hope this helps!

i m not sure but go on and i think it gives out sheet music for clarenets

google it

I sent one out about a month ago and I don't remember the name of the link, but here's how I got it....go on google and type this, fingering chart for the Bb clarinet.....sorry that I can't remember the site....but there is one !!!!!!!! or