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Question:does anyone know what kind of things to expect when going on an audition to be an atmosphere character at disneyland? if you know the audition process by any chance that would be great

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does anyone know what kind of things to expect when going on an audition to be an atmosphere character at disneyland? if you know the audition process by any chance that would be great

Any audition is about selling who you are. It's about knowing who you are, being comfortable with that, and transmitting and aura of competence. Do what you need to do to relax. Don't take on the nervous energy of the other auditioners. Know your material/song/text backward and forwards so you don't even have to think about it. Know that whether or not you get the job it's not personal. There are always more unemployed good artists than working ones. Have fun! It's not life or death, or brain surgery. The easier you can be the better you'll do. Good luck. Try these and see if you can find what your looking for !!!!! Check around on that second one, this time when I checked it it wasn't in English, I hope something helps !!!!!!!!!!