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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I overcome my nerves?

Question:I am going to audtion for a Symphonic Orchestra at my high school next week. I can play the music really well; I stay in the 1st/2nd chair area with my current orchestra most of the time. I just get so nervous when I'm actually in the room preparing to play for the instructor. Any advice as to how to overcome these nerves?? Thanks so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am going to audtion for a Symphonic Orchestra at my high school next week. I can play the music really well; I stay in the 1st/2nd chair area with my current orchestra most of the time. I just get so nervous when I'm actually in the room preparing to play for the instructor. Any advice as to how to overcome these nerves?? Thanks so much.

Long term...What I have my students do is to have them practice auditioning in front of friends, family, etc...The more you practice getting nervous, the more used to it you will become.

Short term (since you only have a week)...Eat a banana roughly 2 hours before your audition. That may sound kinda random, but bananas have extra potassium which help naturally slow down your heart rate. My students have noticed a big difference when they try this. Also, take some slow deep breaths before starting. If you make a mistake, try not to focus on that and think about what is coming up next(mistakes always seem much worse to us than they actually come across to the judge).

I know how difficult auditioning can be, especially when you work so hard on the music, and you just want to show off all of the hard work you've devoted to it. Best of luck!!!

smoke a little cannabes

suck it up and play!

exercise before you go in the room like push ups, helps make you more concentrated
or just focus on how good you are compare to the others
make a couple of friendly greetings with the instructor and smile a lot, wise saying goes laugh at your mistakes lol

Sweetie. It's just a lesson learned. If you are never scared, you can never be brave! Think of all the people who will be proud of your performance after! You will do great! Good luck!

Go see a hypnotist. They'll get you fixed right up.

Imagine everyone in their underwear.

I'm just kidding. Try to relax. You said you have the music learned really well so just believe it. You'll probably do everything you've practiced automatically. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you mess up a part just shrug it off and move on. Mistakes always sound worse to you than they do to the people listening. The key is to have fun and enjoy it.

And remember, a bad dress rehearsal makes for a good performance. ; )

Good luck! I hope you do your best.

When you enter the room, greet the auditioner(s) politely (e.g. 'Good Morning Mr Jones how are you today? or something similar and appropiate) Remember that they are just people like yourself. They want you to as well as possible. They don't want to make your life difficult! Before you start face away from the panel (sideways maybe rather than turn your back), play a few notes to get a feel for the acoustic of the room and allow any initial nerves to settle. If you are a brass player make sure your instrument has no water in it before you go in so you don't need to empty out 1st thing. Take a couple of nice deep breaths. Face the panel and smile to let them know you are ready (this should take up less than a minute, you don't want to annoy them by taking too long!). Then focus and off you go. Concentrate on all the things you need to do to play well such as breath control and musicality. Don't let yourself think about what the panel is thinking, just yourself and your instrument and playing as well as possible. If you muck up something just keep going and don't dwell on your mistake because that will distract your concentration from what is coming up. You can analyse afterwards. If you muck up the start of a piece. Stop and say I will start that again. Deep breath and focus and go. They will understand!!
If you get a bit nervous focus more intently on your music and technique rather than worry about anything else. Use your nervous energy positively.
I sit on audition and exam panels for university students and the local youth orchestra. I have been on both sides ofthe panel. So have the people who are listening to you. They will understand if you are a bit nervous and give you a bit of leeway as long as you show that you are a competant player. Good luck

Here's an acting technique that really works:
Relax all your muscles in your body.
Close your eyes
Drop your jaw
Count backwards from 20 really slow
This way, you're concentrating so much on the numbers, that all the nerves go away!!!
If it doesn't work:
Take deep breaths
Imagine yourself playing it perfectly
Don't second guess yourself
Don't think negative thoughts
Good luck!!!