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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do think is harder to play trombone or trumpet?

Question:i am trombone

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am trombone

It's possible to play perfectly in tune on a trombone. Which means its also possible to play perfectly out-of-tune. Valves can be a mess intonationally, but I find the trombone embouchure easier. Maybe split the difference and play a valve trombone?

Were you one of the kids on the playground who didn't swing and couldn't find the slide? Then you were meant to be a trombonist.

depends on your embouchure...smaller lips trumpet is easier, bigger lips trombone.

Trumpet. Its easier to learn where the sounds at with the trombone, I think.

More air pressure for trumpet(harder)less air pressure for trombone(easier)

The trombone was easier for me. Here's something you should know. What do you say to a trombonist in a three piece suit? Will the defendant please rise.

Both have their difficulties. doesn't really matter which you choose just make sure you listen to your teacher and practice!

What do call a beautiful woman on the arm of a trombonist?

A Tattoo.