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Position:Home>Performing Arts> HELP my clarinet is not playing right!!!!!?

Question:ive tried all my reeds and it sounds all fuzzy and it cant mess up because i have solo and esamble this saturday SOME ONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive tried all my reeds and it sounds all fuzzy and it cant mess up because i have solo and esamble this saturday SOME ONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

buy new reeds....clean it out....or have your instuctor look at it

maybe your spit isnt on the reed enough..i mean not wet enough

maybe the top has a small crack or chip

it it does, the air goes out and makes a funny fuzzy weird half nbot blow noise..examin in very closely, or have your instructor examin it

Have you lightly oiled the connections where the pieces fit together where there is cork? If there is cork on yours. Make sure your reed is adjusted properly for where it is sitting in the opening. I can't think of anything else right now, it's been many years since I even held one. Maybe clean the inside of it to make sure there is nothing obstructing your air flow.

oh my gosh, this one time, at band camp...

get a new reed and ask your band director to check your clarinet for leaks.

One thing I check for is this: Are you using the correct size?

Sometimes if you go with a softer reed it can eliminate that problem. I moved down from 31/2 to 3 and that solved my problem.

Also you may want to check your pads. If a pad is loose, or nor on firmly, it can cause a fuzzy sound. I know that my #C key has a bad pad in need of fixing! lol

Make sure your reed is properly broken in. By soaking your reed in warm water for 10-15 intervals, it can make your reed more flexible. And if needed; you can definitely file down the back of the reed. Even if you don't need to, a little filing on the flat side can make for more comfortable playing!!! :)

Don't you have a music store in your area .....take it there, I don't think it will cost much, it may just need a going over, oiling etc !!!!!!!!!

well its possible that something is wrong with your clarinet, like you have a leak or something. you could be using the wrong reed size. try a half size or a size down. or just try using your current reed more. mine usually take a little while to "break in" so it works good.

most likely it is a problem with your reed. it might be too hard or possibly not aligned correctly with the mouthpiece. perhaps try a 1/2 size less for your reed. make sure your reed is centered over the opening in the mouthpiece and flush with the top of the mouthpiece or a little tiny bit higher.
other possible problems may be with your pads. there might be a leak or the skin of the pad might be split.