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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can you make your voice sound better?

Question:how can you make it sound better when you sing?cuz my voice is horrible ill tell you that..........SO?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can you make it sound better when you sing?cuz my voice is horrible ill tell you that..........SO?

Some people are just born with better voices than others...
You could try to conserve your voice, stay away from illness, sing your scales (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do), find out what part you should be from your choir teacher (soprano, alto, bass, tenor, etc.), don't raise your shoulders when you sing (you should take in air from the belly), sings your rhythms correctly, use dynamics (ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff), and use tall vowels by dropping your jaw when you sing, and more importantly, learn how to read music, which is the most important part and a lot of choir teachers don't teach their students how to do alot of these things which could improve their class and that's why they..... aren't that good.


Start taking voice lessons. They'll teach you how to breath properly, how to stay on key, etc. All colleges have voice instructors or you can also look in the phone book. They can't work magic; if you don't have a decent voice they can't make you sound good but they can really make you sound your best.

Purse your lips together and blow, sort of like a kid making motorboat noises (pppp) while making a tone in your throat. When you can do this well, go up and down the scale while doing it, then "sing" your song this way.

Say the word "sing" then hold the "ng" position. Then, hum in that position. Scales, siren sounds, the melody of a song, etc.