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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some good unique names for a rock band?

Question:I having trouble on what to call my band. I just want to see what other names other people can think of. Thank you in advance. Our funk/rock, with other influences, including soul music, hip hop music, and blues rock.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I having trouble on what to call my band. I just want to see what other names other people can think of. Thank you in advance. Our funk/rock, with other influences, including soul music, hip hop music, and blues rock.

how about, "corn fed wasteland"?...

If I gave you a name it wouldn't really be unique then, would it?

The Bridesmaids (all guy band of course)
The Wah Chicka wah wahs
General Garbanzos
Van Gogh's Bitches
Pucha Libre
Vampires Abroad
The (insert unusual object or famous person's name here) Apreciation Society
Three Miles from Idaho

...anything that would grab ppl's attention. I'm a music addict, and I'm willing to listen to new/lesser known bands if I see that they have an interesting name (i.e. gogol bordello, architecture in helsinski, etc)

Use your names. Do something like using the first two letters of everyone's name in the band and mashing it together to make some cool word. =)

Disco Dances(yah i know wierd)
Rush Lush Band
Rockin' roll rainer
Hound dogs
Brazilian Boombox
Shimmer stars
B'GS(TOO much BG's)

In The Dusty Place

It was going to be my band name, but I don't have It was taken off the back of a box for a fake aquarium, it was Engrish and it just stuck in my head.