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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I dont know what i should do...?

Question:i have a really busy schedule. i work 5 or 6 days a week with 2 jobs, and go to school full time. i danced for about 15 years and competed for 5 or so and i miss it completely. the doctor told me i shouldnt dance because of my spine, i have a disformed vertebrae, but maybe i could again. well i havent danced since i was almost 20 now and i just feel so lost without it. it was my way to release my stress and any problems i had. my studio broke up but i was thinking i want to take a permanent night off work and maybe get some studio time and someone to choreograph me a dance for competition and compete at local competitions as a soloist. i would love this more than anything! i just dont know if its a good idea....what should i do!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have a really busy schedule. i work 5 or 6 days a week with 2 jobs, and go to school full time. i danced for about 15 years and competed for 5 or so and i miss it completely. the doctor told me i shouldnt dance because of my spine, i have a disformed vertebrae, but maybe i could again. well i havent danced since i was almost 20 now and i just feel so lost without it. it was my way to release my stress and any problems i had. my studio broke up but i was thinking i want to take a permanent night off work and maybe get some studio time and someone to choreograph me a dance for competition and compete at local competitions as a soloist. i would love this more than anything! i just dont know if its a good idea....what should i do!?

so because of your health problem w/ your deformed vertebrae you can no longer dance? i'm jux affirming wat you've said... well i've the same issue, not being able to do something you love due to health problems... i box and i have long term injuries to my knees and if i recieve surgery then i'd have to be taken out of school...which i cant afford

not being able to do something that you love is like taking your life away... i've been told multiple times from my doctor to quit boxing... but i cant i always end up going back to train... this is probably not smart on my part but i do it any way it's wat i love, it's a part of me...

if dancing is wat you love... then i say do it... go and live life to the fullest

get some second opinions from qualified doctors.... or look into a good chiropractor for help

Try, but slowly and easy. Don't hurt your self. Take it a little at a time. Also, visit a chiropractor regularly, if your schedule permits.

follow your heart dont let the doctors bring u down if u wanna dance then just do it! they told me not to play football because i had broken my neck 3 years ago and the conseqeunces could be fatal but football is my life so i palyed. and now im getting letters from the top divsion 2 schools across the county.!

you should go for it but take it easy at first because you wouldnt want to hurt urself even more.