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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How hard/how long is it to learn to play drums?

Question:how long does it take to be able to play stuff like blink182
how hard is it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how long does it take to be able to play stuff like blink182
how hard is it?

First I would just like to say that you are AWESOME! I love relient k...and switchfoot...but you didn't say you like them :)

It really depends if you have rythm. My cousin who is in a band, is teaching me how to play the drums. It's easy to me. You have to have a HUGE amount of dedication...that means PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You also have to have talent, rythm. Before you jump right into drums, make sure that's what you want to do, and then when you know 150% in your heart that that is what you want to do, buy electronic drums for $200. Look in a Musician's Friend magazine. The electronic drums aren't as loud, and you get the less expensive drums to practice with, instead of buying a expensive drum set to begin with.

It really all depends on how talented you are musically and how much you want to pratice.