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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How should best I prepare for an audition to be in a really good choir?

Question:Like besides basic warm ups and such what else could I do before I begin, or what should I do while I'm singing, or anything else that will help me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like besides basic warm ups and such what else could I do before I begin, or what should I do while I'm singing, or anything else that will help me.

Prepare the song you'll audition with a voice teacher or coach. The song should match the general repertory of the group you're auditioning for. So if the group concentrates on classical repertory, prepare a classical piece; if they are a pops choir, prepare a pops piece, etc.

Depending on the choir, you may also be asked to sight read a piece of music. This is a skill that must be built up and practiced over several months to years. There isn't much you can do between now and the audition to prepare for that part.

Good luck.

Most of the preparation you will have already done over the years by preparing and training your voice.

For concrete requirements, I would recommend you contact the choir and find out what specific things you need to prep for the audition. Sometimes they ask you to prepare a piece to sing, at other times they just test you there on sightreading and singbacks.

In preparation, make sure you and your voice are well rested. Drink lots in the previous day to make sure your vocal chords are well lubricated. And above all, be confident and sure of yourself, and this will show when you wow them with your stuff!