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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Solo and Ensamble Music Festival?

Question:It's a music festival in Wisconsin ( maybe other states too ) It's for grades 6-12 anyone in it? If you are what instrument?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's a music festival in Wisconsin ( maybe other states too ) It's for grades 6-12 anyone in it? If you are what instrument?

We actually just had ours in my School District (I live in Illinois.). We had a Percussion Ensemble, in which we did "Oye Como Va" by Santana as well as a song called "Flight of the Griffin" which is completely mallets compared to the rhythmic Latin Santana. I played Four mallet Marimba on the first and Xylophone in the second. We got First Division, worked out really well. It was this Saturday and we got the ribbons today. It was so much fun. Good Luck with yours, by the way?

I'm pretty sure it's a national thing. I'm from Michigan and we have it here. Unfortunatally, they won't let me play in it because I'm homeschooled but my orchestra accompianes the winners in May. I play cello.

These have been going on since I was in high school, back in the 80's. I was in CA. I played flute.

hey! well i just had mine this past weekend and i played in an enssamble(<--- however you spell that) and performed a solo as well! it was good. for my solo i played : Premier Solo by E. Bordeau. oh and i play bassoon.