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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can anyone recommend a good electric violin?

Question:I'm in the market for an electric violin, within the 1000-1400 dollar range. Anybody have a good one? Know of a good one? I want something fairly solid and not too "modern" looking.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in the market for an electric violin, within the 1000-1400 dollar range. Anybody have a good one? Know of a good one? I want something fairly solid and not too "modern" looking.

The Yamaha Silent Violin models are good and come the closest to looking like a classic acoustic violin. The Zeta violin is much more modern looking (but has a wider range of cool effects.)

The best elecric violin in the world is the Vivo2 by Ted Brewer.It has an awesome range of sounds. Mine has a sound to light facility. He has the contract for Vanessa-Mae's violins. His instruments do look modern though. Check out his website:
I use one, and wouldn't use anything else.

A lot of people like these:

Rave Electric 5 String Violin