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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Physical Comedy?

Question:Being a student of theatre, I'm constantly studying different aspects of acting, and I'm having some trouble finding some websites and such with tips on how to do physical comedy.

Does anyone know of any good sites where I can find some tips?

Thanks a bunch!!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Being a student of theatre, I'm constantly studying different aspects of acting, and I'm having some trouble finding some websites and such with tips on how to do physical comedy.

Does anyone know of any good sites where I can find some tips?

Thanks a bunch!!! :)

The best tips you can get on physical comedy can't be found on the internet. Go to your local video store and check in the Classics section. If you are lucky, they will carry movies by the Marx Brothers, or luckier still, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd. If your video store doesn't carry anything by these actors, then, strangely enough, check out some of the earlier Jackie Chan stuff--he based a lot of his comedy on things Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd.

Seriously, the best examples of physical comedy have to be seen and not described.

Best of luck.