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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i play flute with braces?

Question:i've had a relle hard time at playing the high notes on the flute, most of the problem is my supposed to get them off in about 14 or 13 weeks, but i want to know if there is some way in which i can improve my playing techniques, does anyone hav any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i've had a relle hard time at playing the high notes on the flute, most of the problem is my supposed to get them off in about 14 or 13 weeks, but i want to know if there is some way in which i can improve my playing techniques, does anyone hav any suggestions?

Try building up the lip plate with about 5 layers of masking tape. This will compensate for the braces. You will still have to adjust and try more or less layers of tape - but this should help.

Of all the wind instruments, the flute is the one that should be LEAST affected by braces. But then, I've never had braces, so I don't know what effect they're having on your embouchure.

um..i play the flute and i have braces. it's not really that hard..

My niece has been playing for three years in high school, and she has had braces all three years, and she did very well !!!!