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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do i belt?

Question:how can i belt a song like the wizard and i from wicked? I need some help!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can i belt a song like the wizard and i from wicked? I need some help!!!

Learn to breath properly and open your throat. Breathing is most important and most pop singers just drive me nuts by not breathing properly! then you need to increase your range by doing vocal excercises up & down the scales. Practice, practice, practice!

To be able to belt a song, you must do it fromthe diaphram (stomach muscle).
First, put your hand on your stomach and breadth. The hand should move up and down and that is the way you should sing. When you need power, you push with the stomach muscle and this will make you sing louder just like when yelling.

Belting is awful for your voice. But if you're going to do it, proper breathing. If anything hurts, STOP right away.