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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Help!!! A cadenza by tuesday!!?

Question:Ii have to write a cadenza to the g major Haydn concerto. My problem is that I keep running out of ideas and other pieces keep coming back to my head. (even I I've never learned them!!!)
What should I do? My teacher doesn't want to know anything about this. I'm on my own....

Any ideas? Thank you... I do have sibelius for those who wonder...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ii have to write a cadenza to the g major Haydn concerto. My problem is that I keep running out of ideas and other pieces keep coming back to my head. (even I I've never learned them!!!)
What should I do? My teacher doesn't want to know anything about this. I'm on my own....

Any ideas? Thank you... I do have sibelius for those who wonder...

I really don't know how to advice you about your request, but the only thing I can tell you is that you must first clean you head, and start to put just the most important think in it. we're young and it's to early to put many thinks in ours heads. Je penses que c'est la meilleur des solutions. Prends soin 2 twa.

The point of a classical cadenza is to get you from I 6/4 to V. So you should look at the thematic material in the piece and decide what could be fit into those two chords, and what sounds like it follows something else. A tasteful cadenza has something to do with the rest of the piece, and you don't need to be a compositional genius to write one. In fact, I think you're too much into this as a creative writing assignment, waiting for lightning to strike with some genius idea, instead of working with the ideas that Haydn gave you. I don't have the score here or I would give you some more concrete ideas.