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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the difference between a "Swing" and an "Ensemble"

Question:Someone in the "ensemble" is one of the background singers. Like in Wicked, for instance, the villagers and Ozians are the ensemble. The "swings" sit backstage waiting to go on. They go on in the ensemble when understudies are either out or are understudying a principal or supporting role for that performance. Some swings are also understudies for principals or supporting roles. Basically If the understudy is being a main character, the swing takes their palce in the ensemble.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Someone in the "ensemble" is one of the background singers. Like in Wicked, for instance, the villagers and Ozians are the ensemble. The "swings" sit backstage waiting to go on. They go on in the ensemble when understudies are either out or are understudying a principal or supporting role for that performance. Some swings are also understudies for principals or supporting roles. Basically If the understudy is being a main character, the swing takes their palce in the ensemble.