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Question:im considering studying vocal/theatre/dance in college.

i want to know possible jobs, BESIDES TEACHING.
that you are able to get. and i don't conduct/write songs.

-- help? please.

& also.. some schools would be nice too..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im considering studying vocal/theatre/dance in college.

i want to know possible jobs, BESIDES TEACHING.
that you are able to get. and i don't conduct/write songs.

-- help? please.

& also.. some schools would be nice too..

Performing Arts Administration, especially if you're into learning about the business side of things. Performance is INCREDIBLY competitive as there's so many talented people and very few jobs open. I also wouldn't totally knock out teaching either until you've tried it (I might be presumptious here).

Another area to consider is Performing Arts Administration (also known as Arts Management), which would lead to doing "behind the scenes" stuff at your local theater, symphony hall, and the like (I'm considering this as a career). This could range from organizing and implementing arts outreach programs to young students, coordinating music events, fundraising, contacting big name artists to perform at your venues, hosting conferences, and lord knows what else. Many people who work in this area also have a strong arts background, which is a major benefit.

The Berklee College of Music gave a good listing of possible music careers. It can be found at

Schools to consider in random order:
Florida State University
Depaul University
New York University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Rice University
University of North Texas
University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana)
Curtis Institute
Rutgers University
Boston College
University of Colorado at Denver
Arizona State University
University of New Mexico
Saint Louis University
Northwestern University

Well, since you've eliminated teaching and writing(which you shouldn't. Good jobs), if you're amazing you can further your training and be onstage acting/singing/dancing. There are tons of companies out there. But you have to be phenomenal.

As for schools.... I'm not too sure. Obviously aim for Julliard if you want the best training. (I know, that's a "DUH!")

Well, it would be hard to major in all three. Which one is your primary focus will determine what you might do for a living, but the short answer is: performing.

If you do a music major and want to become a performer, then unless you hit it lucky and your rock band goes platinum, you're probably joining the musicians' union and doing jobs you obtain primarily through them, perhaps getting on with a philharmonic somewhere. Note that almost all musicians except the top soloists are also teachers.

If it's acting, then you'll aim to become an actor...

If it's dance, you'll be working in a theatre department probably, and you'll get a good number of opportunities to act as well--and as they said at one theatre program I know, the dancers can fake acting better than the actors can fake dancing.

You do not want just plain bachelor of arts degrees in these areas, you want the professional training degrees: bachelor of music, or bachelor of fine arts in theatre or dance. The very best schools for music include Julliard and Berklee; the very best for theatre are Julliard, NYU, Maryland, Yale. I'm not certain which are the top ones for dance.

However, note that the top schools are hideously competitive and your odds of getting admitted are probably slim. A top second-tier place like University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, University of South Carolina, Indiana University, and so forth would be quite workable--they'd prepare you for the career, slogging through the tough process of building it would be up to you.