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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the written music that shows the different notes like...?

Question:half notes, rests, dynamics.

You use it for like piano and wood-wind instruments

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: half notes, rests, dynamics.

You use it for like piano and wood-wind instruments

look at a beginning book on music theory, a note speller, go to a music dictionary, or try wikipedia's music section.
I assume you are talking about modern, western music; and not early music (pre 18th century) or music with shaped and colored notes?

Once you find the notes and rests, get some staff paper and practice drawing each, several times, for a couple of weeks. Do the clef signs too. And as you draw the notes, see if you can name each one. When you do it yourself, it's less likely you will forget what each looks like and means.

Good luck. It'll be slow in the beginning, but with a little practice, you won't even think of what each shape is or means, your fingers or voice will just do it, as your eyes learn to hear and your ears learn to see. it's lots of fun.

sheet music?

Musical notation?

like a paper with all the notes and stuff on it? that's sheet music
the little symbols are called musical notation