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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the name of this type of puppet?

Question:What is the name for the type of puppet where you tie the strings to your fingers, as opposed to a wooden apparatus?

Is it still called a marionette?

On an unrealted note, anyone know where to buy any of said puppets?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the name for the type of puppet where you tie the strings to your fingers, as opposed to a wooden apparatus?

Is it still called a marionette?

On an unrealted note, anyone know where to buy any of said puppets?

A marionette is defined by the strings, not the controller. Yes, it is a marionette.

No, I don't know where to purchase.

they are muppets and buy them at Toy 'R'Us

Yes, I believe it doesn't matter whether a cross bar is used or the fingers.

Look on ebay for purchase.

In the UK...we have a wooden puppet that should be strung up?...called Ken Livingstone?...

They are NOT muppets, muppets use rods. This sounds something similar to an Indian marionette. I haven't seen them on sale on the net, but they wouldn't be hard to make. If you need some help, go to Heaps of puppet makers to commission, check out their online stores, or to find some info on making it yourself.