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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Learning to play an instrument as an adult.?

Question:I have absolutely no knowledge of music. I can't read it and have never played an instrument. I'm 29 and would like to learn to play an instrument. I'm partial to the piano, but don't have one to practice on between lessons. Would it still be an option, or is there another instrument you could recommend for a beginner?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have absolutely no knowledge of music. I can't read it and have never played an instrument. I'm 29 and would like to learn to play an instrument. I'm partial to the piano, but don't have one to practice on between lessons. Would it still be an option, or is there another instrument you could recommend for a beginner?

The piano is the best option for an adult beginner. You will learn so much about music theory that way.
Get a private teacher ; do NOT try to teach yourself. You will only end up with bad technique and poor habits.

You must have piano to practise on. I suggest buying a digital piano ; full size with weighted keys. They do not take up too much room.

If this costs too much than I would suggest the guitar or the flute.

PS I began the violin at age 35...good luck.

It'd be difficult to learn to play an instrument without having one at home for practice. But if you want to learn the piano, you could just buy a small, cheap keyboard and use that to practice.

If you're really interested, try getting a keyboard. They have various ones in different shapes and sizes, ranging from $50 dollars on up.

You can purchase them from Amazon:
and various other online retailers. Costco and Sam's Club often have at least one or two brands in stock at a time, sometimes a package deal with case and stand.

Remember this is something you're trying out, so don't invest too much into it at first.

Good luck, and happy playing

Piano is good for a beginner. It was the 2nd instrument I learned to play. Recorder is the first instrument I learned, have you though about that (not the cheap plasctic ones, but the ones made out of wood - the REAL ones. Beethoven actually composed music for recorders!!) It's simple enough - you can get used to reading music with the recorder then progress to harder instruments.

Good luck! Learning any instrument is very rewarding!
God Bless!

If you want to play piano then go for it. I teach classical and acoustic guitar.....and you'd be surprised at how many adults want lessons, your never too old to learn......if you want to take piano lessons why not get one of those portable keyboards, on sale at the guitar center you can get some really good buys....and their very good at giving you a deal, just ask.....Go for it, I bet you'll love they have teachers that come to your home, or you can go to a music store and have private lessons....or group lessons....or you can go on the Internet, they have lessons with tutors, Cd's, DVDs, videos, and books with Cd's in the back.....just go on google and type in this, sites for learning piano on line......good luck. Playing an instrument has been the love of my life, it's given my hours of remember don't think about it go for it !!!!!!

I think it is great when anybody wants to join the world of performing arts. Like somebody said above. You can get a keyboard for 50 dollars or up brand new. If you are really desperate check out craigs list or even ebay, you might find a steal on one of those sites. Good Luck! And keep it up!

Definately piano! Piano was my first instrument, and it has helped me so much with music. You should probably get a keyboard, they sound a lot like pianos. A teacher would be helpful too. Everything's possible.

You could get an inexpensive keyboard or rent a piano for a while.

You can do it -- but you just will need to have something to practice on.

piano would be a great start for you. as far as the instrument, you could rent a piano from your local piano store. Most important thing is to find yourself a teacher with good reputation and take a trial lesson with this person and see if he/she is the right teacher for you.