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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am giving the school announcements all next week, any tips?

Question:I did them before, but I wasn't very interesting, more monotone from kind of being nervous. What can I add to make it more like radio announcements or something to add interest or spark? I don't want to be bad or boring so no one listens.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I did them before, but I wasn't very interesting, more monotone from kind of being nervous. What can I add to make it more like radio announcements or something to add interest or spark? I don't want to be bad or boring so no one listens.

Talk like a radio announcer. The use tricks to make their voice interesting:

1) Raise the tone of your voice from high to low.

2) Alter the speed of your words, fast to slow to fast.

3) Make multi-syllable words more interesting by emphasing different syllables than usual: RecommenDAtion, SCHOlastic, etc.

4) Don't use filler words or sounds: Um, er, eh, hmm.

5) Connect some words into a drawl, and punch out others with a stoccato. Example: "Good weather today" can be "Goood wetherrrr t'day" or "Gud We Ther To Day"

6) Add the occaisional sound affect: Yawn, whoopee, ha ha ha, etc.

Don't hold back. Have fun with it. You can never overdo it!

Don't use the same tone over and over.
Add in random facts. Clarify this with the principal. If you know it's a weird holiday, like national ketchup day, say so.
Don't try hard to be funny. You'll come off as dorky.