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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Playing a guitar underwater, could it be done??

Question:My band:"King Triton and the Sharks" want to do a Hollywood quality billion dollar underwater music video. How would playing underwater effect the sound waves?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My band:"King Triton and the Sharks" want to do a Hollywood quality billion dollar underwater music video. How would playing underwater effect the sound waves?

Acoustic, no !!!!!!! Electric will make a sound I'm sure, but you'll probably have all the dolphins and whales in the water go crazy from the weird sound waves, their going to think that their sonic sound ability's went crazy !!!!!!!!!!!

'Well obviously if you are playing an electric it couldn't be done. With an acoustic it would screw up your guitar and i doubt the sound waves would carry anyways. BUT- you re doing a VIDEO. So use a guitar you dont care if it gets ruined, and fake it. DONT plug it in

You could play guitar underwater, but it won't sound right.

A vibrating guitar string compresses air molecules, that hit the eardrum in waves. Water will compress differently than air. It's so much denser, you probably won't get any sound at all.

BTW - Using electric instruments is another story. That could work. You have to figure out how not to get electrocuted, though.

And just where are you "household names" going to get the $$$ for this "billion dollar" video.
No offense, but I have never heard of you.

Are you serious? Have you never tried talking underwater? Sound doesn't carry good enough underwater, it wouldn't work out. Besides, the best way to do a video is to record some clips and match it to the song. That way if you mess up on video you'll be ok.

LOL.........Wait, You're serious?

since sound travels better in water, the sound waves would travel just fine but how would you expect us to hear it

Shoot the video and overdub the sound.

Leave your good axes at home.